Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama

U.S. chooses 'change'

How Barack Obama defied history
By Nick Bryant BBC News, Washington
To measure fully the historical achievement of Barack Obama's victory it is worth recalling what America looked like in 1961, the year of his birth.

Barack Obama's long road to the White House
In picturesBack then, much of the American South remained segregated, the races separated from the cradle to the grave.
Black people - or Negroes as they were known then - were born in segregated hospitals, educated in segregated school systems and buried in segregated graveyards.
Handed down in 1954, the Supreme Court's Brown decision, which called for the integration of southern schools, had been met in many southern communities with a campaign of "massive resistance".
For segregationist die-hards it became the twisted metaphor of the age, as they fought to uphold a system of racial apartheid that was known by the deceptively friendly aphorism, Jim Crow.
Washington DC was regarded still as a hardship posting for African diplomats, despite the efforts of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower to desegregate the nation's capital.
Restrictive covenants prevented them from living in the most fashionable parts of town, and they were denied service in the high-end barber shops.
Distance travelled
When they made the journey to the United Nations in New York, they travelled a road, Route 40, which was lined with segregated motels, diners and restaurants.
Back at the start of the 1960s, America's first black presidential aide, a former public relations man called E Frederic Morrow, published a memoir of his years working under Dwight D Eisenhower.

To become a history-defying candidate he has been something of a history-denying figure
Analysis: Why Obama wonIt was titled Black Man in the White House. It revealed how he was never allowed to be left alone in the same room as a white woman, such was the fear that he might sexually molest her.
On becoming president in 1961, Jack Kennedy made a series of senior black appointments. Still, the young president's most valued African-American aide was a man called George Thomas, whose job each morning was to lay out his clothes.
Leaving others to attach racial meaning to his candidacy, Barack Obama has not spoken much about the struggle for black equality, nor the tumultuous decade into which he was born.
Go through his speeches, and you will find little mention of the civil rights era.
For to become a history-defying candidate he has been something of a history-denying figure. The strategy throughout has been to de-emphasise his race.
A quirk of scheduling and a quantum leap of history meant that Mr Obama delivered his acceptance speech in Denver on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech.
But even then, Mr Obama did not mention Dr King by name, referring to him instead as the "young preacher from Georgia".
Black and white
Back in June, on the night when he finally saw off the challenge from Hillary Clinton, his celebration speech made no reference to his historic racial first, and noticeably he dedicated his victory to his white grandmother.

Martin Luther King spoke of his dream for America 45 years agoThroughout the campaign, Mr Obama has emphasised his whiteness as much as his blackness.
The president-elect understood one of the great paradoxes of the civil rights era.
While it helped pave the way for his ultimate success, it also made it more difficult for northern candidates, like him, to win the presidency.
When President Lyndon Johnson signed the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act into law, he told an aide: "We have lost the south for a generation". But he had miscalculated.
The once solid Democratic South - the Democrats used to be an unhappy alliance between Northern moderates and progressives, and southern segregationists - started to go reliably Republican in presidential elections.
Prior to 1964, the Democrats won six out of eight presidential elections. After 1964, they lost seven out of 10.
Achieving the impossible
The civil rights era was responsible for the great historical anomaly of US post-war politics: the process through which the party of Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, established a stronghold in the states of the Old Confederacy.
With the election of a black president, what many considered the politically impossible has now become real
In pictures: Election result reaction
It is no coincidence that every Democratic president since the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act has hailed from the south: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and, the die-hards would contest, Al Gore.
The new law not only demolished segregation, but re-drew the US political map.
So it is worth remembering that Barack Obama will not only be the first African-American president, but the first Northern Democrat to serve in the White House since Kennedy.
To achieve this racial first represents the most extraordinary of achievements.
Since the end of Reconstruction - the period in the aftermath of the US civil war - there have been just three black US senators.
Only two states, Massachusetts and Virginia, have elected a black governor.
With the election of a black president, what many considered the politically impossible has now become real.
On 28 August 1963, Martin Luther King spoke of his dream for America, with the brooding statue of Abraham Lincoln offering the most glorious of pulpits.
On 20 January 2009, Barack Obama will appear on the west steps of the US Capitol, at the other end of the Washington Mall, and seal his historic triumph with just 35 words: the presidential oath of office.
Nick Bryant is the author of The Bystander: John F. Kennedy and the Struggle for Black Equality

Friday, October 17, 2008

I am back

Lately I have felt the urge to write again, didn't really know how and where to start. So many things have happened and changed and because to the advise of my boyfriend ( yes one of the changes) and the question..."Jen why did you stop?" mind began to wander. I don't know the true reason for why i stopped writing. Well dear blogmaster I always used you to vent to...and you always listened dearly. Sorry for neglecting you but I shall continue Meine REISE

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I see you

I see you how you are
Look through you to see what’s in me. You are wonderful indescribably close always there for me.
When others shut themselves down and don’t see you anymore, not even my tears will take your picture away from me.
Without having any contact to you, will make it dark on the sunniest day.
But day for day, you are with me and therefore mine, my third eyesight, my land in sight and that’s why I love you.
I can see you because you shine brighter than the light, because you guide me, touch me and feel my pain with me, that makes you so close, I see you clear and dreams come true.

You helped me to defend myself, are my quiet savior, I swear I will always honor you, because you always opened doors for me that seemed locked. Were perfect like a circle and could always forgive me my mistakes. When the time has come and my plans on this earth are done I will come home to you, my third eyesight my land in sight I love you.
You always knew how things were and would be, even what’s ahead for us it’s all so clear. The way I see you know, going my way alone will not hurt anymore because you will guide me and be by my side like a protecting shield.
You can see me, understand me and when the wind blows strong I will look for you, call your name…..I love you

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

Red red wine and Jenny

So this and worse happends if you put me in a room with crazy good music ( it actually can be the worse but trust me I make it good), a bottle of red wine and a camera! This pic and worse was taken last weekend.Oh my I had so much fun, I can not believe how drunk I got, which doesn't take much. We were having a few friends over while they were all socialising in the living room, me and Candice had our own party in my office. Silly drunk girl talk, she was whining about how much she misses her ex, and I was just complaining about how i'll prob. won't get married until I in my late 30's with the paste that I am going haha!

Good times, I ended up taking the worst pics of myself as you can see here, and while walking to the car I noticed that I wore my fuck me pumps lol which are the fucking hottest shoes I have ( and I have a lot) and highest ones, and yes they have their name for a reason!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Do you love me?

He needs her more than anything right now
But she’s not there
He remembers her words:
I love you babe
Tell me you love me too
I will always be there for you
Tell me you love me too
I will always love you
He says: would you love to run away
But have no one to run to?
Do you cry and shiver because that’s the fact?
Do my questions bother you?
She says: No not anymore
But I can remember how it feels
He says: we apparently don’t feel the same today
She says: I am so scared to feel that way again
He asked himself if it’s the correct answer,
To kill himself, but her first
He decided not to
Asked himself,
Why she did all this,
If she knew everything
Hoping for a miracle
Hoping for a miracle…..and dies
Should he ask himself,
Why she lied to him?
Why she let him run into the open knife?
Should he hope that she is going to suffer, just like him?
Shouldn’t you hope that some kind of hope
Will be offered to him?
So he won’t turn into your nightmare just because he believed her,
When she said that she loved him
Is she happy?
Is he delirious?
Are you?
He wants to know in his desperation;
Why did you want me to tell you that I love you?
Why didn’t you warn me?
Are you happy now?
Did you want this to happen?
Please tell me!
Why did you lie?
Don’t you have any compassion?
She doesn’t answer
The only thing he hears is the echo of her words
I love you babe…..
Then she asks: Do you want to talk?
He says: No!
I want my damn answer
If that’s all you can give me
She asks: Can I talk to you?
And says: I LOVE you but I am not happy
And asks: What did I lie about?
He says: That you will always love me, and you’ll always be there
She says: I am – the best I can

Monday, November 19, 2007

Duh when it comes to turkey day

So I am siting @ the switchboard today, when the p.a of my boss came in to chat with me. All we really talk about is fashion. She asked me what I was doing for the holidays and I told her that i was doing some volunteering work this year. She was surprised to hear that, of course stuck up rich person who could care less. I told her that Thanksgiving has no meaning for me because we don't celebrate it in Germany. So this ditsy thing seemed quite surprised. " You don't celebrate Thanksgiving???" No idiot, so I actually had to explain her why americans celebrate it. That was an absolut blonde moment. I have noticed it a lot they americans have no clue why they celebrate Thanksgiving, all they know of is the fat turkey they are going to eat.
I find it very amusing that people have no idea of their own country's history!

When you are sleeping

I want to be close to you
At night time when you are sleeping
I want to be close to you
I am awake when you are sleeping

Nothing needs as much protection as you
In the darkness of this world
I will need to get guardians
Because a dark empire has surrounded us

And nothing needs as much time as protection
Because you barely find it
That’s the reason you are dreaming that somebody is protecting you
But it’s only a dream
But I want to be protection for you
At day and at night
Because an eternal light is protecting me
And it told me so

Nobody brings light into the day
That is so dark
And you dared to live
Because it is right
But nothing needs as much protection
Please believe me
And I am calling an army of angles
That will only take care of you

I want to be close to you
At night time when you are sleeping