Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My best friend

This might sound funny, but I could care less.
Things have been and are changing in my life. I think being single is the best thing for me right now, although I have to say that I kind of dislike it, but only because I don't like being alone. But I am managing quite well.
The funny thing is that I feel like a new person. My last relationship really didn't allow me to be myself, not that I pretended to be someone else but it was so controlling and I wasn't the happy person I usually am. For example, my best friend told me, Jen I am so happy you finally left that idiot. You have been looking really good lately and I have to say that you looked quite boring the last few years. You should burn all that ugly clothes. LOL I honestly didn't think that but if she says so, hehe! What was I thinking all those years? It seemed like my brain was numb in a way.I have been thinking different, doing different things, I am so happy again.
And all thanks to the voice in my head. Could sound crazy to some people, but not to me. I learned to be my bestfriend, and to truly love myself. I have not been spending that much time with my friends lately, that must sound a bit ignorant and cold, but I am just happy with myself right now. I have never been so focused in my life before, and I even changed a lot of my opinions. For example, I changed my mind about having children. For the longest time, I was sure that I would never have any children, due to our drastic climate changes. It took me a while to actually change my mind about that. Not because everybody I know told me, how selfish it would be not to bring children in to this"beautiful world" or that it is my duty as a woman and so on. But because of the the voice in my head.I love everything about children and I came to the conclusion that the joy of me having children will not be taken away from me!

Thanks to my best friend, I will remember you

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