Saturday, June 2, 2007

Crazy Friday

Right now I am sitting on my bed, and am listening to Coralie Clement, who is an amazing french musician. Anyway let me start writing about my "crazy friday".
My work day went by pretty fast. Me and my co worker decided to go to the International Hoboken Film Festival. Our driver Tom gave us tickets, since his daughter is the producer of the movie. I live really close to Hoboken, so we decided on going to my apt. after work. We had a few cocktails. I usually don't drink that much but I have no Idea what happened yesterday! A friend told me not to long ago " Jen live a little". I think about it a lot.
Anyway so as we were getting ready we actually emptied a whole bottle. We were so tipsy and it was really refreshing walking to the train station. We were laughung because a lot of people were looking at us, I guess because it was only 6ish, we were all dressed up walking in the rain and were already tipsy. I COULD OF CARED LESS. On the train this nice couple gave us a bottle of wine, haha so we started 2 drink that 2. Arriving in Hoboken we had to look for the Festival. It was supposed to be by the Hudson, overlooking the Skyline. But due to the weather it was inside. When we arrived at the theatre it was already all seated. I was talking to this friendly guy, who got us chairs b4 the show started. Sorry Tommy but the movie was BORING. We only ended up staying 1 hour, we were way to hyper to sit there. We were debating if we should hop on the path, or to stay in hoboken. We actually stayed in Hoboken, and went to a Lounge "Lana". We got there so early so we were just relaxing and looking at all those young silly chicks, that were trying to impress the guys with their slutish dance moves. Missy used 2 dance 2, so we knew what we were talking about. We started to drink Margaritas, yes I am surprised to that I mention it in the plural version. Oh man all those calories....
I have not felt like this in such a long time. It was a good feeling.We couldn't wait any longer so we were the 1st ones on the dance floor. You would think that oher people would start dancing too. But no, everbody was standing around the dance floor and was watching us. It was like we were giving a show. The dj and 1 of the bouncers came over and asked if we were working 2night. Hehe they thought we were the dancers maybe because we were juming from 1 podest to the other.
After a while people started dancing 2. It felt like I was back at the LOVE PARADE. Allt they would play for the first hours was techno and trance. I loved it! It is so much fun dancing with Missy. Usually my friends sit down, and watch me which I don't mind, but Miss was there the whole time. She is as crazy as I am. At 1 point we got really crazy and freaky, and all the weird guys were around us, and you would see the girls giving us cruel looks. I bet you they thought we were lesbians. After a few hours we were dancing barefoot. A good friend of mine picked us up. He knows that I can get quite crazy when I am tipsy ( i mean I was drunk, lol) and he is a sweetheard. His girlfriend hates it !!!!
I really enjoyed myself.
This morning I felt a big mess. I slept for 3 hours!
I drove up 2 harlem, to get my friends and take them to JFK. Yes 2day my Maddis left. It was sad saying bye, but I'll see her soon. Going into her apt. was like going to a fleemarket. She gave me so many things. I love her style, I got a lot of her art work she couldn't take.
I was going to post a viedeo from last night, but I don't know how I did it, but I broke my camera last night, haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you blogged about "crazy Friday"! I just wanted to make a point to mention just a few things that have stayed in my head because everytime I think of them, I giggle to myslef whilst thinking about u Jenny...First, remember the toilet paper or the paper towel, or whatever it was stuck to my foot, then your foot! haha! I was crying I was laughing so hard! And I have to mention the CURRY! MMmmm, that smell turns me on baby!
Well Jenny, My first experience OUT with you was awesome! I LOVE to dance with you, you are SO good and I just love everything about you! You are a beautiful person! I LOVE YOU!
P.S. I needed all those calories girl, but I ended up burning them all off in the long run...MWAH! <3