Sunday, June 3, 2007

My body

Like I said in the beginning this blogspot will be a place where I wil let all of my thoughts down.FYI this might be too much for some people!
So my thoughts this weekend were all about my body.
It is funny how we all have a certain clock in our bodies.
Every morning I wake up at a certain time, 5.55 a.m. I am amazed with myself, because I am still tired at that time, but I do get up. I just have to gain 1 or 2 pounds and I know right away, because I bite my inner cheek. Like I did last night. Hehe it kind of pissed me of, but hey what can I expect. I had the worse hangover and for some reason I felt like a had a whole in my tummy. So my meal yesterday was ice cream! Dove ice cram, wow it's the best. Of course I knew that the reason for my ice cream craving just wasn't my hangover. It's the time of the month.After I stopped taking birth control, it is so unregular. The only time I know it's coming is when my breasts start hurting. The first day is always the worse.It's the worse pain ever.It feels like somebody is stabbing me in my abdomen. Oh I can not wait to be in labor!!! That was a joke! But I have to say that I am curious how it will fell when my body will change during pregnancy. It must be so amazing knowing that your child is growing inside of you.
Also, I am going to add something to my body soon. I am going to get a tattoo. I was thinking about it for a long time.I am doing it for myself. At first I thought, how would my future partner feel aout it, will it make me look dirty or slutish? It is going to be a small 1, and it will compliment me. I should of gotten it before, so now i will have to wait until after the summer. Since I love the beach, lakes, everything with water, and It would prob. be a hassle to keep it covered so it could heal right. Plus I want my tummy to totally be flat for it! Oh no I kind of gave it away, wher it is going to be.

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