Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It is quite strange what I dream about at times. Since I was a child I would dream about the craziest things. I am known for crazy dreams. I remember waking up in the mornings and my ex asked, oh no Jen, what was it last night!
Through the years I noticed, if it's just one little thing that I see, and it kind of tickles my fancy it will show up in my dream. No matter if it’s an animal, person, peace of art……. Not like other people I remember the tiniest detail of my dreams. Everything seems so detailed. Mostly everything is in color, and at times I can even smell, which only happened twice, and was in the last month.
From the age of 17-19 I would have those really weird dreams that my teeth would fall out. I actually looked it up and it means sudden death in your family. Thank god that never happened. Before that I would have dreams that I wasn’t wearing shoes.
As a child I had the biggest fantasy ever, which honestly I think is really good, but it was also huge in my dreams. Crazy I tell you. I really didn’t have many bad dreams, mostly good ones, and it puts the biggest smile on my face.
My dreams in the last two weeks have all been based on my subconscious. I think it is really amazing! There are things that I really don’t think about, but actually do!So last night’s dream was the craziest of all. I am not going into any details, haha but it was the most amazing dream I have ever had!!!! I honestly never imagined I could of have a dream like this. So what is my subconscious telling me with that?

1 comment:

Janina said...

funny, for a while I dreamed that my teeth would fall out as well!! All of them... that is really terrible. I also remember the taste of tabacco,... I dream that I have cigarettes in my mouth and i have to chew on it even I hate the taste. It's awfull. btw, I'm not smoking. uuahhhgg....
what could that mean?