Thursday, August 2, 2007

What it really means

So this post is going to be a bit different I think. Right now I am sitting at my desk, drinking my tasty coffee and am actually supposed to do something totally different. But something just popped in my head, which I want to write down before i forget!
The title of this post has something to do with missing something, to be more certain about it, the meaning.What it means to me, and even others.
Yesterday while sitting in the office, the UPS man stopped by,who has like the biggest crush on me, really annoying. Anyway he didn't have anything for me, but still came in to tell me that he misses me. Then this morning he stopped by again and asked me if I heard him yesterday. Dude you're annoying, seriously.
Anyway, what does it actually mean to him when he says that?

When people say they miss you, do they really mean it?
I do!!!!

So yesterday in a session I was kind of thinking about what I truly and really miss, right now!
I miss my family to a certain extend and my friends....
I miss to love and really care for a person.
I have been at a point where I was really looking for something like that.
That was at the end of my relationship. Being all desperate and in a way looking for a rebound. That is normal, thank God it didn't happen to me!
Everything takes time, and it will come to you when you are ready for it!
Missing something or someone, can be hard. But you'll learn how to handle the situation and you'll become patient.
What does it mean to you???

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