Saturday, June 9, 2007

Maybe it is not that bad

Since it was my day off, I decided to meet up with this weightloss group on 29th and 5th ave. I had told my pops and he was laughing calling me silly, and that I'll be the smallest person there. Haha indeed I was. It was interesting, but also scarry listening to those women. So there I was thinking I had a problem???? Those girls def. have an eating disorder and most of them are in therapy. When we were leaving this girl told me, Jen you have a verry nice body and I think you are skinny and then she said, you have a body that attracts hispanic and black males. Oh well, thank you but first of all I do not want to attract that kind of guys and second I do not think I am skinny at all. It doesn't matter what other people think, it's what you think. I am a size 6, but I was way smaller b4, and I know I can get there again. So girls if you want me in this group or not, I'll be there!!!

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