Sunday, July 1, 2007

Nassau Bahamas

My flight to Nassau must of been my best flight ever! Jet Blue, I think is a great airline. What I really enjoyed was watching Direct TV, awesome I tell you! If you are not pleased with the tv channels you can order a movie, and you pay by swiping your credit card next to the monitor in the seat in front of you. Really entertaining I thought, plus you have so much legroom. Arriving in Nassau Maddis was there already waiting for me. It was good to see her again. That day I saw a lot of Nassau. We took the bus to Downtown Nassau, where most of the tourists are. HAHA taking the bus here is a whole different world. First of all the buses are quite small, and have 2 seats on the right side, and 1 on the left. On the right side there is an extra seat attached in case the bus gets crowded you can fold it out. Meaning that if you sit in the back everybody has to get up so you can exit the bus. Crazy atmosphere on the bus! Every bus plays quite loud reggae music. You can get off wherever you like all you have to shout is "bus stop", you give the diver 1$ and then you get off.
THIS IS FOR ALL THE INSECURE GIRLS OUT THERE! Bahamian men are women crazy, no matter how old there are! I think it's so annoying, seriously plus they are really not good looking, maybe it would be different if I actually was attracted to black males, which is not the case!
At night time we went to the Bay and had grilled conch, it was ok but I do prefer the conch fritters. Lol Bahamian food is really tasty, but expensive also. My first day here, I ate what I would usually eat in 2 or three days, haha i actually had 3 meals in 1 day, when was that the last time?
Saturday was the best day so far. We left the house @ around 8 to catch the bus to go to the beach. It's supposoly the nastiest beach in the Bahamas, but I tell you the water was beautiful. Later on in the day Nello and a friend of his had picked us up and our tour started. We started at the cemetery where Anna Nicole Smith is buried. As we were waiting there a man came out of a tinted Van, telling us that we could not go see her grave, and that the woman by her grave right now is Howard Stern's sister. She looked like a coc head, really bad, oh well plus she was all said. So the security guard told us we couldn't go on, but Nello's friend had sweet talked her. Usually only family members can visit the grave. I had 2 leave my camera in the car though!
After that we went to the most beautiful beach I have been to in years, awwww CRAZY.
Later in the day we had went 2 the fishfray were there had a parade. Nello was constantly ripping jokes about how this 1 crazy dressed up dancer had to be Brandon, since he prob. flew over here to stalk me. Oh my I was on the floor from laughters.
I think we started drinking @ around noon. Wow I have never done that b4, yes I am a virgin to a lot of things, haha. To my surprise I did not get tipsy until late at night when we went out. Maddis and I went back to this fishfray, with Nello's cousin who had 2 watch over us, lol. That was good though, there are 2 many crazy heads out here, and I know my pops would feel good about that, haha.
At night time we went to some Bahamian CLUB Oh my fucking God, they are like monkeys in there, crazy I tell you, and it's not like they dance, kind of more fucking on the dance floor!
It is nice to be away from home, no phone that bothers me, I am loving it. But it does make me think a lot.

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