Monday, August 20, 2007


The weather is finally cooling a bit of. I do enjoy the summer, but I am so tired of the nasty humidity. Other people think that the summer is just starting, but I am thankful it's almost over, and I believe that my trip to the Bahamas has something to do with that, too much heat. I mean I went to the beach and pool quite often, got a beautiful tan, that's all I needed.
This weekend we had really beautiful weather. On saturday I went out to the counrty. It was so beautiful, sunny with a little breeze. Really relaxing, strolling through the fields and woods. I was talking to my moms yesterday and she was telling me that she went berry picking, and that she was making juice and jams. I wish I could do that here too. I know I must sound weird to some, but I love doing things like that. One day when I have my little house somewhere in the country....ok Jen time to wake up!
Soon the apple time will be here, and they will be selling tasty apples at the farmers market. And I will be mostly outside horseback writing.
The leafs are going to change their colors and everything is going to look red orange and golden.
When I was a nanny I would take Emily ( that was our standard poodle) for really long walks. Although we lived in the suburbs it was really country. Every moning we would go running for almost 2 hours, and in the afternoon we would go for walks. Seeing how everything changes, from the trees to the animals getting ready for the winter, always amazed me.
Of course I am looking forward to the beautiful colors that the fashion world has to offer for this year. Chocolate brown and deep purple, beautiful colors.
This morning while waking up, I had a big smile on my face. It was really dark out, and on the weaterh channel it said that we are only having a high 65 today yippie!

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