Thursday, August 16, 2007

Immaculate Conception

So this might be too much for some of you, ha it was for my pops, but I don’t care because I write whatever I think on here.
Since Friday I have been feeling really sick. My breasts are really swollen hot and about a cup size bigger! I have been having the craziest abdominal pain ever, plus I am an emotional wreck. So at first I thought, hmmm maybe it’s the time of the month, but no that can’t be because I am in the middle of my cycle.
I spoke with my moms about the “hot tits” issue and the google queen gave me a lot of advises.
Last night I found myself over the toilet throwing up. Oh no what the hell is going on with me? Silly me could barely sleep because I was thinking almost the whole night. Oh no what if I was actually pregnant??? Here is the thing though I AM NOT unless it’s a immaculate conception, like the virgin Mary!
I’ll be fine! I am going to the doc. on Saturday and hope she can help me, or like my google queen says” it happens in the middle of your cycle, your body isn’t a machine and it is always different”
Hmmmm Immaculate conception!!!!!!!!!
Honestly I think that’s all bull! I am a catholic, and went to catholic private schools but never really believed in Jesus. The older I got through the years the more I thought about it. I do believe that he was alive, but I don’t believe all the stories about him.
I was always more interested in the Old Testament. I remember when I was 9 years old, and had to learn so much about the bible due to my communion. I was the only catholic girl in my class (mostly people in northern Germany are protestant) and I knew everything in religion class. My class mates were quite annoyed because the teacher had me explain and tell them a lot. I loved reading about Abraham, Isaac, Sara ….I truly believe and go by the Old Testament.
I could go on and on, specially me, I am so into religions, but I’ll leave it exactly where it is!

1 comment:

High Power Rocketry said...

Thanks Jen, visit me often please.