Sunday, September 23, 2007

How is life treating you?

Life how funny it can be at times. I have been so busy lately trying to manage with my new job, and apt. I love the apt. although right now it's still a bit empty. I didn't want to live with a room mate, but for now and for me that was a good choice. She is a nice girl, although a bit g.h.e.t.t.o haha, but it's ok. My new job, being a personal BITCH, that's what it really is takes a lot of my energy. In order for me working for my new boss I have to take those crazy boring tests, which I am tryingto study for, but really can't focus. But hey I need to so I will have too!
So last weekend Maddis was here. She moved back to Sweden. Smart choice she is such an intilegent female and kind of wasting her time in the Bahamas. It was so nice to spent time with her. So I am siting here right now in my office, (yes I have an office now) on the floor with my laptop on my lap, and still in my cozy robe. So many things are going through my mind. Last night after having friends over for dinner I went out with some friends to a loft party. It was Liz's friend's album release party. What a handsome guy! I have to say his music wasn't all that good though. While sitting at a table for a few mins. sipping on my wine I felt like i was in a trance. I was just taking in all the beauty of those people. So many beautiful people are ou there, it's just amazing! It must be hard for a guy to actually pick and choose from all that beauty, or not? SInce I am single I think about that a lot. Anyway, Nil the handsome guy grabbed me and we just left. Thank you!!!
A lot of my friends are spread all over this world, but are now going back to Europe. Why am I still here? I know that I am not that happy over here anymore. A lot of it has 2 do ith Maddis leaving on thursday. After I took her to the airport I started to cry. Jen you are 2 much!!!! Although she has been living in the Bahamas for quite some time now, it's weird knowing she is going all the way back to Sweden. The only thing why I came back into this country was my Ex, who totally fucked me over! So now I am here with no family, no boyfriend and most of my close friends moved away. I guess I am at a low point right now in my single life. It's not that I want to be in a relationship right now, not at al, but I do want some1 to be there, that is not that selfish and not just wants to want sex from me, the good friend with BENEFITS.
It's gping to be ok again, I know that. This is nothing I have been through so much this year, and am really so impresed with how I handeled it.
Ok it's time to take a shower now and get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.
I have to say, Mommy it is a beautiful feeing to have yo with me all the time, ha I am talking about my little Rose tattoo.

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