Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I hate being sick

The last 2 months were not really that good health wise. I might be fallin appart!? Last week I was @ the doc twice for a stupid bladder infection, and right now I am here again/just leaving just waiting for some papers. I have a stomach bug, and my stomach didn't react too well on the antis I have been taking. The result of that was, that everything I tried to drink, or ate came right back up, plus very strong tummy cramps.
So all I should eat now is liquid food, wow how interesting. Being sick is just way to boring 4 me. Who knows what I am going to do with myself today. Yesterday I watched all those silly tv shows, BOOOORING. I felt much worse yesterday only because I didn't get it that I shouldn't eat! At night time I was making a big pot of tea and spilled teh boiling water over my habd. Thank g-d it's ok, but it was quite painful.

Hmmm nothing really inspires me lately I def. need to find a new muse! Besides that my life seems to be getting better by the day. I even got over the fact hat I am not going home for x-mas.

Ok they just called my name, I'll be back later

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