Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Do you love me?

He needs her more than anything right now
But she’s not there
He remembers her words:
I love you babe
Tell me you love me too
I will always be there for you
Tell me you love me too
I will always love you
He says: would you love to run away
But have no one to run to?
Do you cry and shiver because that’s the fact?
Do my questions bother you?
She says: No not anymore
But I can remember how it feels
He says: we apparently don’t feel the same today
She says: I am so scared to feel that way again
He asked himself if it’s the correct answer,
To kill himself, but her first
He decided not to
Asked himself,
Why she did all this,
If she knew everything
Hoping for a miracle
Hoping for a miracle…..and dies
Should he ask himself,
Why she lied to him?
Why she let him run into the open knife?
Should he hope that she is going to suffer, just like him?
Shouldn’t you hope that some kind of hope
Will be offered to him?
So he won’t turn into your nightmare just because he believed her,
When she said that she loved him
Is she happy?
Is he delirious?
Are you?
He wants to know in his desperation;
Why did you want me to tell you that I love you?
Why didn’t you warn me?
Are you happy now?
Did you want this to happen?
Please tell me!
Why did you lie?
Don’t you have any compassion?
She doesn’t answer
The only thing he hears is the echo of her words
I love you babe…..
Then she asks: Do you want to talk?
He says: No!
I want my damn answer
If that’s all you can give me
She asks: Can I talk to you?
And says: I LOVE you but I am not happy
And asks: What did I lie about?
He says: That you will always love me, and you’ll always be there
She says: I am – the best I can

Monday, November 19, 2007

Duh when it comes to turkey day

So I am siting @ the switchboard today, when the p.a of my boss came in to chat with me. All we really talk about is fashion. She asked me what I was doing for the holidays and I told her that i was doing some volunteering work this year. She was surprised to hear that, of course stuck up rich person who could care less. I told her that Thanksgiving has no meaning for me because we don't celebrate it in Germany. So this ditsy thing seemed quite surprised. " You don't celebrate Thanksgiving???" No idiot, so I actually had to explain her why americans celebrate it. That was an absolut blonde moment. I have noticed it a lot they americans have no clue why they celebrate Thanksgiving, all they know of is the fat turkey they are going to eat.
I find it very amusing that people have no idea of their own country's history!

When you are sleeping

I want to be close to you
At night time when you are sleeping
I want to be close to you
I am awake when you are sleeping

Nothing needs as much protection as you
In the darkness of this world
I will need to get guardians
Because a dark empire has surrounded us

And nothing needs as much time as protection
Because you barely find it
That’s the reason you are dreaming that somebody is protecting you
But it’s only a dream
But I want to be protection for you
At day and at night
Because an eternal light is protecting me
And it told me so

Nobody brings light into the day
That is so dark
And you dared to live
Because it is right
But nothing needs as much protection
Please believe me
And I am calling an army of angles
That will only take care of you

I want to be close to you
At night time when you are sleeping

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Who learns must suffer
Even in our sleep
Pain that can not forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
And in our own despair
Against our will
Comes wisdom to us


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I hate being sick

The last 2 months were not really that good health wise. I might be fallin appart!? Last week I was @ the doc twice for a stupid bladder infection, and right now I am here again/just leaving just waiting for some papers. I have a stomach bug, and my stomach didn't react too well on the antis I have been taking. The result of that was, that everything I tried to drink, or ate came right back up, plus very strong tummy cramps.
So all I should eat now is liquid food, wow how interesting. Being sick is just way to boring 4 me. Who knows what I am going to do with myself today. Yesterday I watched all those silly tv shows, BOOOORING. I felt much worse yesterday only because I didn't get it that I shouldn't eat! At night time I was making a big pot of tea and spilled teh boiling water over my habd. Thank g-d it's ok, but it was quite painful.

Hmmm nothing really inspires me lately I def. need to find a new muse! Besides that my life seems to be getting better by the day. I even got over the fact hat I am not going home for x-mas.

Ok they just called my name, I'll be back later